Tuesday, 11 April 2017

Interview Day II: This Time It's Personnel

Another day, another interview.

Not that a statement like that should be taken as me growing in the slightest bit complaisant. It's been a lot of hard word in the making. A long, hard road getting from there to here.. It's been bloody knackering. It's not been for nothing though, and it does seem as if everything is beginning to fall into place at last.

Yesterday I had my first face-to-face interview, which I think went reasonably well. It could have been smoother, but I kept the pace and didn't trip over myself too badly. I even had a good solid question to fire at the interviewer at the end of our discussion based upon research I had done on their company. So what I may have lacked in my execution, I think I more than made up for in enthusiasm and engagement.

I'm still waiting to hear back, but I'm confident.

Today was a similar story when it came to my phone interview. My execution was a little off again, and at times I'm sure what I was trying to say came out all wrong.. In fact, there were points during the interview when I thought to myself, "this is a bloody disaster! Shut up Tom! Just shut up!".

Thankfully for as many things that came out wrong, just as many hit their mark; and my interviewer wasn't being anywhere near as critical of me as I was of myself. Quite the opposite in fact, even going as far as saying, "I'm impressed" upon hearing about some of my accomplishments. Something which I won't lie, felt pretty damn good!

So putting my negativity and self-loathing to one side; this interview turned out not to be the flop I though it was turning into at one point, and I have been invited along to the next stage of interviews.

That's not all though!

Whilst I originally had just the two leads, other agencies and employers have now started coming back to me thick and fast! With two of the employers I contacted only yesterday having come back to me already, both regarding the job I applied for; and both with an additional job in tow! There was even talk of interviewing for one of those roles tomorrow. Not that I realistically could given the notice - or lack thereof.

In summary though, it's all coming together. It's just tricky working out what I should do when I only have enough annual leave left to attend one more interview, and there are so many opportunities to choose from! Not that I'm complaining about being spoiled for choice. I'm just very aware of the need to choose wisely. I have one shot, and I have to make it count.


  1. Sounds very positive amid the natural self-doubts of the interview process. Well done. :)

    1. Thanks. :0).

      I do have a couple of updates on how this is all going (which is mostly good), that I was just too tired to post up yesterday.. Although after 12 hours sleep, I am feeling quite refreshed now! :0).
