Dream it. Do it.
All dream it, do it is; is a very basic way of helping you achieve this. Where by you simply set a goal (the dream aspect), and then you do it. You don't make excuses, you don't get distracted; and as a result you see some real results.
So this morning when I woke up, instead of propping myself up in front of the TV with some chocolate biscuits, feeling sorry for myself; I hit the day running. I kicked the day with some exercise, and my vitamins before grabbing a bath to get rid of the funk I'd worked up. It was there that I set to thinking about what I wanted to do with the day, and what I was doing with myself.
Dream it.
I think of my bath as my think tank. It's where I get a lot of my ideas. One of these today was, "stop getting distracted". It's the same every week. I decide that I'm going to spend the weekend gaming, but when the weekend comes round I find I have to do X, Y and Z; and once I've done those, I'm in no mood for gaming. Too much of the day has been lost I tell myself.. It'll keep. There's always next weekend. I'll definitely do it then. It's a vicious cycle.
Not today I thought. Not again. Nope.
Do it.
So instead of laying there pondering away, I decided to get up, and get out (after having washed of course). I came to realise that as much as I value thought (and I really do), and the time to think; too much thinking distracts you from actually doing. It's self-defeating. If you don't act upon your better ideas, you may as well not have had them.
Once out I didn't allow myself the time to get distracted by anything else. I just got dressed and set about my current goal which was getting in a few games towards my 10 x 10 Challenge. Which I did! Only two games in fairness, but it's still more than I would have achieved had I not picked myself up, and dusted myself off.
I also feel like I achieved something. A feeling which is allowing the words to come a lot more easily than they did yesterday. Mood is very important when it comes to writing, so keeping yourself motivated is critical. As is self-belief.
Achieving what you set out to do goes a long way towards boosting both of those (mood and self-belief); and dream it, do it can really help you set obtainable goals.
What do you want to do? Okay, and how are you going to do it?
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